Rice Cooker Smothered Potatoes.
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Potato Dishes
Wed, Nov 23, 2011, 06:00, 14 Years ago
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- Spray cooking spray (pam) in rice cooker insert.
- Dice Potatoes, cut smoke sausage into bite size pieces, cut onion into small pieces. Then add all the raw ingredients.
- Put it on cook. After a few minutes check and see if potatoes have softened and if they have you can use a potato masher and mash the potatoes a little. This part doesn't have to be done but I prefer it like that.
- Stir every so often and usually after cooker has gone through a cook cycle it is done.
- Some will stick to bottom of pan even if it is sprayed, that is normal.
- Enjoy I sure do.
1 Small Onion1 Link Smoke SausagePotatoesDash SaltRed Pepper to tastePaprika
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